5 Tips To Keep Your Laundry Lint-Free
Posted February 13, 2024 | by Signet Group Inc.
While laundry is the chore most of us dread, there’s one persistent nemesis that can make the task even harder – lint. Created when micro pieces of clothing fibres are broken down, lint can shed onto everything. If you find yourself struggling to remove these stubborn remnants, we’ll cover five helpful tips to help keep your laundry lint-free.
Sort Your Clothes Properly
There are many fabric types and they all have different lint-producing or -attracting characteristics. This means that separating them for both washing and drying will help reduce lint accumulation on your clothing. Textiles like cotton and flannel shed a lot of lint, a perfect example of this being towels. In contrast, smooth fabrics like knit, corduroy, microfibre and synthetic blends attract lint. Combining these loads will lead to increased lint transfer and personal frustration. If you separate them, you will start to notice a reduced amount of lint – especially on darker pieces.
Clean The Lint Trap
It is important to make sure the lint trap is clean and in good working order. Not only can this be a fire hazard if left unmaintained, it can also lead to increased lint circulation and transfer on all clothing during future drying sessions. Make sure to clean it out after every load. If you have a front-loading dryer, the lint trap can be found inside the door at the front. If you have a top loader, there is a lint screen either inside the door or on the top near the control panel. Note that washer-dryer combos often do not have a lint trap.
Reduce Friction
Friction between clothing can lead to excess lint production. There are many steps you can take to avoid friction. First, don’t overload your washing machine. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines as to how full and heavy a typical load should be. Opt to let certain pieces air dry if possible. Next, turn your clothing inside out. This will minimize lint and pilling from collecting on the outside of your clothing. Last, add a cup of white vinegar to your next load. This is a great way to remove lint and reduce static, leading to less friction between garments.
Empty Out Your Pockets
Sometimes, you may forget to check your pockets before doing a load of laundry. While it may not matter for items like coins, chapstick or keys, things like tissues can break down and leave small pieces of lint and broken-down material on your clothing. If you can’t remember cleaning out your pockets after taking off a garment, give it a quick check before you wash it.
Try Out the Air-Only Setting in Your Dryer
If you’re looking to easily get some lint off your clothing, put it back into the dryer on an ‘Air Only’ or ‘Air Fluff’ cycle. This does not add heat, taking in room temperature air to fulfil the cycle. Make sure to check any clothing tags to ensure it is suitable for this cycle.
There are many solutions to help reduce lint before you go to put your garments away. If you still find lint particles on your clothing, it is smart to keep a lint roller or shaver on hand. If you don’t have one, things like masking tape are a good substitution.