6 Tips for Moving this Fall
Posted November 1, 2020 | by Signet Group Inc.
The fall is a great time to move. Not only is the weather cool enough that you won't get uncomfortably hot or cold, it's also one of the most affordable times of the year to move.
If you are moving in the very near future, here are 6 tips for moving this fall.
Declutter and Donate
Regardless of when you move, you always need to declutter. Moving in the fall means you can go through personal items, like summer clothes, that you haven't worn this year. Especially now that many of us are working from home indefinitely, there is probably a lot of office clothing you may no longer need. There is no reason to pack up and move things you won't wear, and moving this fall gives you the perfect opportunity to declutter and donate these items.
Pack Smart
After decluttering and getting rid of stuff you no longer need, you will need to pack. Moving in the fall means you must pack accordingly. Plan and pack things that you won't need any time soon, like sandals, shorts and sun dresses. Leave out items that may be needed, like a warm jacket, sweaters and jeans. Save these things for last so you know exactly where they are when you arrive at your new apartment.
With COVID-19 still among us, sanitizing has become part of our everyday life, and this shouldn't change when moving. Be sure to properly sanitize your old home as a courtesy to whoever moves in next. You should also sanitize your new home before unpacking. This means cleaning all doorknobs, drawer handles, taps and toilets.
Protect the floors
Covering the floors with some sort of drop cloth when moving this fall will help prevent damage and create less of a mess. Use drop cloths to cover your old place when moving everything out, and to cover your new place when moving everything in. This will save you from having to do another thorough cleanup of mud, leaves or anything else that may be tracked in during your move.
Connect and Disconnect
Heat, water and electricity may have to be disconnected at your old home and reconnected at the new one. Fall is not a time where you want to be left in the dark or the cold, so it's a good idea to do these things ahead of time. The same is true of the internet, especially with so many of us now working from home. You don't want to miss that important Zoom meeting, job interview or school lecture.
Keep Things Easily Accessible
Have things like extra sweaters, hats, and scarves on hand in case moving day is a cold one. The weather in the fall is unpredictable, and there are days that are much cooler than others. You also want to make sure that you have hand sanitizer and a face mask with you at all times that can be used and worn when necessary. If you are using movers, you will need to be wearing a mask when around them. If you are moving in or out of an apartment with common areas, you will also want to make sure that you have a face mask with you for entering these areas.
Moving this fall shouldn't be stressful, and following these simple tips will help make it a breeze. When you're ready to find a new place to live, check out some of our beautiful apartments.